
So what’s with the name, etckt? Like many other brands, we chose a name that had some meaning to the Disney-fan community and shortened it up for an available URL; the e-ticket was part of the original ticketing system used at the parks and was reserved for the best rides. etckt is a contraction, of sorts, of the beloved e-ticket and pronounced the same way.

We strive to provide accurate and valuable information so you may plan your trip to Central Florida and enjoy your time on holiday. Having worked for the mouse, and living in Central Florida since the early 1990’s, we take pride in our town and want you to have the best time visiting us as possible.

Walt Disney World changed not only Central Florida and Orlando, but the business of travel & tourism forever. Combining the entertainment knowledge from Hollywood, Walt Disney created a new type of vacation destination that has set the standard for over a half-century now.

We are online at various locations, but the most accessible destination are our twitter account and Facebook page, if you would like to keep in touch. Follow us, here and around the web, as we add features and functions to the site. Let us know what you would like most and we will try to incorporate those ideas as we grow. Thanks.