
With the spirit of the holidays upon Central Florida, Walt Disney World Resort is sharing how it works with numerous local charitable organizations all year long to spread its magic throughout the community.

For the next few weeks, Walt Disney World Resort will highlight some of its community outreach efforts through the “Season of Sharing” in part to raise awareness of charitable causes that aim to build better futures for Central Florida’s families and children. The uncertain economic times have left many non-profit organizations with increased needs and a record demand for their services, which is being felt well beyond the holidays.

Walt Disney World Resort works closely with more than 100 local non-profits to make dreams come true in Central Florida. This holiday season, we wish to celebrate and shine some light on the ongoing efforts of our community partners and hope others are inspired to join us in helping them achieve their goals.”
Eugene Campbell, VP Community Relations & Minority Business Development for Walt Disney World Resort

“Season of Sharing” stories and images will be posted frequently on http://community.wdwpublicaffairs.com/ with Web links back to featured charities so readers can directly connect to learn more.
