Having worked for Disney for a number of years, I have seen a lot of things that some people only hear about – and even then not with the full details. The Walt Disney Company has embraced today’s technology to let us take a peek inside the castle and experience some of the secrets of the parks at the Walt Disney World Resort.



To learn directly from the Disney Imagineers is a fantastic opportunity to learn, first-hand, about everyone’s favorite destination – The Walt Disney World Resort. If you ever wanted to learn more about the hidden secrets and fun facts about the parks, this is a great opportunity with the video direct from DisneyParks and the Imagineers.

Wrapping it up

It is always great to learn more about the parks from the very people that created them. Disney’s embrace of social media and sites like YouTube has only increased the public’s interest in their destinations. You can count on us to continue to bring you the latest information on the parks and news from all around Disney’s World here at etckt.com.
