General Organa

General Organa

A new year brings new promise. This year will allow us to refocus on one of the things we love – Disney (and its ever-expanding universe). I saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi twice over the holidays; the first time I really did not like it. The movie had too many...
Na’vi River Journey on Pandora

Na’vi River Journey on Pandora

Set sail on a river journey unlike any other. On a moon that is light years from Earth. You are not alone, either. This riverscape pulses with sensational sights and sounds that fill your senses. And, at journey’s end, a very special surprise. Aboard the reed boats of...
avatar flight of passage

avatar flight of passage

Imagine straddling the back of a wing-flapping banshee, darting and swirling through the canyon updrafts, free as the wind. Below you: the otherworldly planet of Pandora – grand in its vastness, surreal in its bioluminescence. Hold on tight! You can ride this beast....
floyd norman, disney legend

floyd norman, disney legend

httpvh:// Floyd E. Norman was born on June 22, 1935.When Floyd was in high school he managed to get a ride to the Disney Studio one Saturday morning. The studio was closed, but the security guard took pity on him. “I’ll never forget...